Salient Features

  • The facility is designed in compliance with USFDA/EU/ICH cGMP guidelines with fully equipped QC Laboratory & Stability units
  • Quality by Design principles adopted to minimize risk
  • Dedicated  entry, exit of Vial, Ampoule, and PFS lines
  • Independent entry/exit of personnel for Vial and Ampoule lines
  • Separate equipment like Autoclaves, AHUs for Vial and Ampoule lines
  • 21 CFR PART 11 Compliant FULLY AUTOMACTIC one touch operation for batch manufacturing
  • Eurovent certified AHU's monitored & controlled by fully automatic EMS
  • All machinery with CIP & SIP system
  • All filling machinery SCADA controlled & 21 CFR PART 11 compliant
  • Online non-viable particle monitoring
  • Fully equipped QC and Microbiology Lab with HPLC,GC

Salient Features OF WATER SYSTEM

  • PLC controlled purified water & WFI storage and distribution skid.
  • 21 CFR PART 11 Compliance.
  • Storage tank with Level transmitter, Temperature Transmitter, Inside Spray Ball.
  • Pump VFD control to maintain return flow & Velocity.
  • Online Conductivity meter, Temperature Transmitter, Flow meter, Velocity meter and TOC Meter.
  • Auto Hot water/steam sanitization facility.
  • Continuous Circulation at 80 degrees celsius
  • Zero Dead Leg Valve at User points with sampling provision.
  • Autoclaves from MachinFabrik
  • Auto dumping valves.

Salient Features OF HVAC

  • FLAKTGROUP Make Eurovent Certified Air Handling Units.
  • P(differential pressure) monitoring across Pre and Fine filters..
  • Volume control dampers at return duct.
  • Temperature , RH Sensor and Differential pressure transmitter for automatic controlling.
  • Environment management system - EMS for monitoring HVAC parameters.
  • Treated Fresh air feed for AHUs to meet fresh air requirement.
  • 10 micron, controlled ventilation system in Service area.
  • Audio video alarm in critical Clean rooms.
  • The facility is divided into Grade A, B, C, D areas for specific operations and cleanroom requirements.